SPE Romanian Section and the election of the SPE Romanian Section Chairperson and Committee
29 Jun 2021, from 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Dear SPE Romanian Section Members,
Tuesday on June 29th 2021, between 15:00-17:30 hours will take place online, via Zoom Meeting, the General Assembly of the SPE Romanian Section and the election of the SPE Romanian Section Chairperson and Committee.
The event will consist of:
• SPE Romanian Section Activity Report during 2020-2021, including the events of our Student Chapters;
• Discussion about activity report and approvals;
• 2021-2022 committee election for the SPE Romanian Section
Details for joining the general assembly:
SPE Romanian Section General Assembly 2021
29 June 2021 | 15:00 -17:30 UTC+3
Join Zoom Meeting
Click Here
Meeting ID: 899 5660 6770
Passcode: 860230
Save it in your Calendar
Please vote Online 2021-2022 committee for the SPE Romanian Section using the below link.
To vote ONLINE
Click Here
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